New Hall Vineyards
Producers of Fine English Wines Since 1969


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The Vineyards ~ Cellars and Shop


The picture above shows the New Hall Farmhouse under which lie the Vineyard Cellars which when full can hold 75,000 bottles of wine and where visitors may taste and buy the wines from the cellar shop, below.

New Hall Vineyards is Open Daily Mon - Friday 9am to 4pm and Sat 10am to 1.30pm & closed Sundays. Visitors can taste the wines and look around the 80,000 grape vines along the Vineyard Trail, free of any Charge. (Depending on weather conditions of course).

Just some of the vines that visitors can walk around when following the Vineyard Trail Information Map

The picture above shows 
 part of the Vineyard Cellars where the wine produced 
at New Hall can slowly age and develop in nearly ideal conditions before it is labelled and ready to be put out on display next door in the cellar shop