New Hall Vineyards
Producers of Fine English Wines Since 1969


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HAVE you ever dreamed of Owning a Vineyard
and entertaining friends with your own quality wine?
By Leasing a row of vines from New Hall for a year, you actually become a
Vineyard Owner
of a row of 80-90 well established grapes vines.

Your row of vines could produce about 250 bts of wine a year
worked out on averages over the last 20 years.
(Please note no guarantee of yield per row can be given but as a guide, the lowest over the
years was 214Bts the highest 324Bts).

The grapes from your row can then be made into wine by a
professional wine maker into your preferred style or combination of
 (Dry, Medium-Dry, or Medium), costing about £1.98p a Bt to make
 and includes:-
FREE Personalised Wine Label put on your bottles,
A 10% Discount Owners Membership card,
 Two free entry tickets per row to the Annual English Wine Festival
held each year at New Hall on the first weekend in September.
Plus Invitation to Special Events and Promotions,
and chances to help and learn how to look after grape vines in England.

Regular "Between the Vines" news letter about your vines & wines,

Sample of the last News Letter